Congratulations to Tom and all co-authors for their paper titled "Actin and Microtubules Position Stress Granules", which was just published in Physical Review X! The work...
Thanks to Cornell Engineering for making a great video about the motivation for the research in our...
Nan and Takumi attended the 76th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics and both gave talks Nan presented his recent research on droplets sliding on soft materials...
Beginning of November 2023, we successfully ran our first 49-hour beamtime at CHESS, Cornell's synchrotron! It was a great team effort and a lot of fun! We studied protein samples...
A very warm welcome to Teagan Bate (PhD), Takumi Matsuzawa (PhD), Harsha Koganti (B Sc) and Kaarthik Varma (M Sc) who joined our lab after our start at Cornell...
We are very happy to see our new paper lead by Carla out in Nature Materials Find out all about how elastic microphase separation produces robust bicontinuous...
Congratulations to Sai, Eric and all other authors for publishing this manuscript in Soft Matter! Find out all about how absorbing pigments can increase the reflectivity and...
Eric gave a talk the Frontiers in Physics of Soft and Biological Matter (FPSBM) at the Raman Research Institute in Bangalore, India He presented the group's latest research on...
Lotta gave a talk at the NCCR Bioinspired Materials annual conference in Charmey about the latest results of studying the structure of biomolecular condensates with X-rays...
Many congratulations to Moumita Das and Eric for being elected as co-chairs for the next Gordon Research Conference on Soft Condensed Matter Physics in...
We had a spontaneous SoftLiv reunion in Ithaca! Left to right: With Raphael Safatti (former PhD student), Eric, Guy German (former PostDoc), Ye Xu (former PhD student) and...
Etienne's and Eric's preprint "Phase-Separated Droplets Swim to Their Dissolution" is out on bioRxiv! The authors present a new swimming mechanism that we call "dialytaxis" It...