Latest News & Events
We are excited to share that Harsha has been admitted to a PhD program at EPFL, Switzerland—truly well-deserved! She will be joining the Soft Materials Laboratory in the...
At BPS (Biophysical Society Annual Meeting) 2025 in Los Angeles (Feb 15–19), Teagan and Lotta presented their work on client partitioning in biomolecular condensates and their...
Congratulations to Nan and all co-authors for the publication of their paper titled "Droplets sliding on soft solids shed elastocapillary rails" in Soft...
Meet the new members of the lab! Dana, a visiting undergraduate researcher from ETH Zürich, is here to work on her bachelor's thesis and master's project, investigating...
Our latest preprint, led by Nan, explores how a sliding droplet deforms a soft substrate, leading to the formation of elastocapillary ridges The team investigates how the speed of...
We have completed a mini-move to our permanent lab space in Tang Hall, formerly known as Thurston Hall! Thanks to great teamwork in coordinating the move, a year of planning is...
Congratulations to Charlotta Lorenz, who won a poster prize for her work on x-ray scattering from biomolecular condensates at the Intrinsically Disordered Proteins GRC at Les...
Ithaca’s summer is a great time to get some science done, and we’ve got a solid team ready in the lab This summer we have two undergraduates and three graduate researchers...
Our lab alum, Tom Boeddeker, has won the best poster prize at the EMBO Phase Separation Conference for his PhD work on how the cytoskeleton positions protein...
Congratulations to Etienne and all co-authors for their paper, "Phase-separated droplets swim to their dissolution," now published in Nature Communications! The team used a...
Takumi, a postdoc in our team, has been awarded the prestigious 2024 Schmidt Science Fellowship by Schmidt Futures in partnership with the Rhodes Trust The fellowship aims to...
A new preprint titled "Phase Separation of a Microtubule Plus-End Tracking Protein into a Fluid Fractal Network" is now available on bioRxiv Our team investigated Bik1, a key...