New people joining the lab!
A very warm welcome to Teagan Bate (PhD), Takumi Matsuzawa (PhD), Harsha Koganti (B. Sc.) and Kaarthik Varma (M. Sc.) who joined our lab after our start at Cornell University.
Teagan (front row, right) joined our lab as a PostDoc and will work on the surface interactions of phase-separating protein droplets and filaments. Takumi (back row, 2nd to left) joined our lab as a PostDoc as well and is interested in studying active droplets. Kaarthik (2nd row, left) joined our lab as a Physics PhD student and will work on critical phenomena in phase separation. Harsha (front row, left) joined our lab as a Master’s student in Materials Science and Engineering and will look at the mechanical properties of elastically micro-phase separated materials. Check out their summarized CV on our People’s page.